“Conscientious Practice” is when we practice movements in a deliberate way, repeatedly. By conscious, repeated practice, we internalize the movements and they become second nature. This is what we strive for as jewelers because we want to not be able to think about most of what we do so we can concentrate on the design of what we are making or repairing. By always taking practicing, a little every day, even for a few minutes we become better jewelers and better people. This can also be called deliberate practice. It ties into making sure your practice is teaching you and…
I have heard for years complaints about “Why isn’t there a national aglet day?”. Well. Let’s get started on fixing that. First, make sure you go to Facebook and like the following page. Aglets, Aiglets, and Lace Tags. Also make sure to join the group Aglets, Aiglets, and Lace Tags Community.
I have been asked many times for advice about becoming a professional jeweler. So here are my musings, thoughts, and opinions on how to become a professional jeweler. This might ramble a bit but I feel this all ties together.
The following is what I feel best describes the phrase "well documented". "well documented" means a record in written, photographic, or other forms that is supported thoroughly with sufficient relevant documentation to enable understanding of the facts and the reasons for those determinations. This documentation should include all source data, clearly detailed methodologies, calculations, results, and all criteria be explained plainly.
Well. It finally happened as everything comes full circle. I was doing some random searches about lace tags and found a blog that was showing ^the correct way to make them^ and they referenced my 2017 paper on the subject.
I have been seeing this ring image being shared around on the Internet and FaceBook recently and as a professional jeweler who studies historical jewelry manufacturing processes this item raises some red flags for me.
It is my hope that this competency profile can be used by administrators in trade schools, 4-year colleges & universities, Postsecondary vocational schools, technical colleges and high school trade classes. I will be using this as a basis for my teaching and the book I hope to write very soon helping others learn the basics of goldsmithing.
Just because you are a master of your craft does not mean you can teach it. So tell me that teaching can be "one on one, a mentorship, providing a workshop for a particular skill, etc...". Yeah. Sure. But you still have not addressed the fact that most people do not know how to pass on knowledge in a teaching situation!
Below is the description that I share to let people know what I do as a Jewelry Educator.I felt it might be wise to look at this statement, “deconstruct” it and expand on it so you can see my reasoning for writing what I did. it has a lot to talk about and even more importantly, think about.My statement: As a Jewelry Educator, I strive to blend historical and modern methods of jewelry design and metalwork via lectures, teaching, and hands on learning in a variety of traditional and contemporary materials and processes. I teach the formal principles and elements…
"Can you tell me what this is worth?" My standard answer is "It is worth what you paid for it. If you want a professional appraisal I charge $60 an hour, minimum two hours to evaluate and determine the value." "But I don't want an appraisal, I only want you to tell me what it is worth."