Education - Jewelry

What is the weight of potential?

What is the weight of potential?

Posted on December 4th 2017 by Gerald A. Livings

What is the weight of potential? A hard question to answer. How does one weigh an idea? A thought? A nebulous concept that has not fully formed?

A hard question to answer.

How does one weigh an idea?
A thought?
A nebulous concept that has not fully formed?

How do we communicate potential to others?

A common pencil
A common pencil

By speaking? What does speech weigh? I may join you in a light and airy conversation and then change to a discussion of weighty topics. But how to place those words on a scale? Words can be written. That might be a possibility. What is the physical weight of our conversation as written? Not the paper the conversation is written on, but the words themselves.

So I searched for things to do with pencils. I found pages about wood pencils, mechanical pencils. how to use a pencil. I found out that a pencil can draw a line 3.5 miles long. You can roughly write 2/3rds of an average length novel. You can sharpen it over ten times.

Many interesting facts.

But you will not find much on the internet about the amount of potential a pencil holds.

Art. Math. Medicine. Love. Hate.

With a check mark, a jury can decide a person is guilty of a crime. With a signature, A president can grant a pardon. With a signature, A world leader can end a war. A doctor can mark where he needs to cut to save a child’s life.

All of that potential can be held. In your hand.

Simply by picking up and holding a pencil.

The shapes and forms might change over thousands of years. A stick is used to scratch on a mud covered piece of wood. A sliver of lead is used to write on papyrus. A bird quill is used to write on parchment. A graphite pencil is used on paper. And now, a plastic pencil is used to write on the screens of your phones and computers. As long as there are people, we will make pencils in some form and each one will carry all of the potential of every persons thoughts, dreams and desires.

The answer is that potential, all potential combined, weighs as much as a pencil.

Jerry came to his art by a different path. In the mid 80’s he took up making simple jewelry as a way to learn patience. Not expecting anything to come of it, he was surprised when jewelry making became a passion and then a career. I am an eclectic individual having a love for many wildly different interests. In the fall of 1985 I made my first piece of jewelry in the recreation center at Ft. Hood Texas while serving in the US Army. With no experience at all I managed ,under a friends direction, to make a piece that was very simple. this was my first introduction to what would later become a passion. A few years later, after leaving the service and moving to Madison WI., friends started asking for unique and quality pieces. Because of this I decided to pursue custom jewelry as a career. When I im not working I am is actively involved with research into historical jewelry manufacturing techniques. I am also writing a book about aiglets. I keep current with other jewelers at the Ganoksin Project.

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